Tyre ageing: its effect on material properties and structural integrity

Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 9th July 2019
Date published/launched: June 2019

The objective of this study was to provide scientific advice on the effect of chronological age on the performance of the elements of a tyre carcass that are critical to its mechanical integrity. The aim was to develop an understanding of whether the material properties of vehicle tyres evolve, due to the passage of time, to such an extent that the integrity of the tyre, and therefore its safety, is compromised.

Little relevant information was available regarding the effects of ageing on heavy vehicle tyres, either from the literature, from fleet companies or from the retreading industry.

Nevertheless, some members of the industry (Continental/Uniroyal/Michelin) have published
recommendations on the maximum age of a tyre in use; as do the BTMA in relation to retreading age limits.

The test programme identified an increased tyre rubber compound stiffness with age, with an associated reduction in elasticity with increasing age.

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