Organisation: Highways England East & Road Safety Analysis
Date uploaded: 26th March 2019
Date published/launched: March 2019
• And a review of activities delivered in the East which seek to reduce the risk of motorcyclists.
The conclusions of the two pieces of work were that:
• Whilst young motorcyclists represented a large percentage of those killed or seriously injured on the region’s roads, there was a lack of focus on this group in the interventions.
• Interventions rarely included robust evaluations, and this was also the case for young rider evaluations.
• There was a lack of a consistent regional message across motorcycle interventions.
In February 2018, a two-day ‘Double Diamond’ workshop took place to try to address some of these conclusions. With a focus on young riders, the workshop followed a process to use data and evidence to understand the problem and target audience and consequently, work through a behavioural diagnosis to determine how the problem might be addressed. The intention was to ensure that an evaluation plan was integral to the process and that there was an emphasis on identifying a regional solution to create consistency.
The first report below is a summary of the workshop and sets out the next steps for Highways England and its partners in the East.
The second report below is the review of road safety interventions delivered in the East of England which are specifically aimed at reducing motorcycle casualties.
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