Travel time measures for the Strategic Road Network and local ‘A’ roads: January to December 2018

Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 14th March 2019
Date published/launched: February 2019

On the Strategic Road Network (SRN) in 2018

• The average delay is estimated to be 9.4 seconds per vehicle per mile compared to speed limits, a 3.9% increase compared to 2017.

• The average speed is estimated to be 59.0 mph, 0.6% down on 2017.

• In 2018, 68.4% of additional time was needed compared to speed limits, on average, on individual road sections of the SRN to ensure on time arrival. This is up 0.7 percentage points compared to 2017, so on average a slightly higher proportion of additional time is required.

On local ‘A’ roads in 2018

• Average delay is estimated to be 47.3 seconds per vehicle per mile compared to free flow, a 0.8% increase on the previous year.

• Average speed is estimated to be 24.9 mph, a 1.3% decrease on the previous year.

Please note that figures for the SRN and local ‘A’ roads are not directly comparable.

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