THINK! 2018 Festive Drink Drive Campaign

Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 18th December 2018
Date published/launched: December 2018

The THINK! 2018 annual festive drink-drive campaign aimed to encourage young men to step in if their mate is tempted to drink and drive.The campaign has been shaped by peer-led research to help understand how young men aged 17-24 years think and act with their friends. The research showed that messages to ‘thrill seekers’ go in one ear and out of the other, and how the ‘herd mentality’ shapes views of what driving means to this group.

The new THINK! creative strategy sets out to deliver the message that ‘mates matter’, and ‘good mates have your back and set the codes’.

The 2018 festive campaign ran with the strapline ‘a mate doesn’t let a mate drink drive’, and featured three new videos showing young men going out their way to look out for each other.

The campaign ran on social media and online video platforms in the run up to Christmas.

THINK! says ‘mates’ are highly influential in young people’s lives and, through the campaign, set out to harness this influence in a bid to tackle drink drivers – at the time of year when social drinking peaks.

The campaign deployed humour to encourage young men to step in – with research showing many young men feel awkward about intervening when a mate is intending to drive after drinking.

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