Organisation: Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, Devon & Cornwall
Date uploaded: 12th December 2018
Date published/launched: November 2018

The strategy was published by Alison Hernandez, who also leads on road safety for the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners.
The strategy recommends adopting a ‘safe systems’ approach, combined with greater enforcement of the law and improved driver training.
There is also a focus on the ‘five highest causes of fatal accidents’; inappropriate speed, failing to wear a seatbelt, distractions, driving under the influence of drink or drugs and careless or inconsiderate driving.
Unveiling the strategy, Alison Hernandez said: “With 12,500 miles of road across the two counties there’s simply no way that police alone can enforce our way out of this problem – it’s up to us, the driving public, to change our behaviour.
“With a few simple changes and a collective effort between emergency services, local authorities and driving educators I am positive we can make great strides in making our region a safer place for all road users.”
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