#TestingAutomation (research)

Organisation: Thatcham Research, Euro NCAP & Global NCAP
Date uploaded: 31st October 2018
Date published/launched: October 2018

71% of drivers around the world believe they can purchase a self-driving car right now.This ‘astonishing’ finding is one of many ‘worrying’ perceptions uncovered by the #TestingAutomation study, commissioned by Thatcham Research, Euro NCAP and Global NCAP – which also showed that one in 10 drivers would be tempted to have a nap while using a so-called ‘Highway Assist’ system, such as Adaptive Cruise Control.Findings from the study include:

• 7 in 10 (71%) drivers globally and 53% in the UK believe that they can purchase a car today that can drive itself
• One in five (18%) British motorists think that a car marketed as being capable of automatic steering, braking and acceleration allows them to ‘sit back and relax and let the car do the driving’
• Many respondents said that they would be tempted to break the law while using an assisted driving system by texting on a mobile phone (34%), making a hand-held call (33%) or having a brief nap (11%)
• Only half (51%) of drivers believe they would be liable in the event of a crash when using assisted driving systems.

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