Police recorded road accidents, 2017 (Wales): Revised

Organisation: Welsh Assembly Government/Road Safety Wales
Date uploaded: 12th September 2018
Date published/launched: August 2018

These statistics show that while the number of road deaths in Wales remained the same in 2017 compared to the previous year, the number of KSIs and total casualties fell.

The Welsh Government figures show that 103 people were killed on Welsh roads in 2017 – the same number as in 2016.

However, the number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) fell by 4% from 1,108 in 2016 to 1,064 in 2017 – while the total number of casualties fell by 9% to 6,202.

Looking at road user type, for each of the main four categories – vehicle users (car, taxi and minibus), pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists – there were year-on-year falls in KSI casualties.

Vehicle user KSIs fell by 5% to 469; pedestrian KSIs by 5% to 189; motorcyclists by 1% to 252; and cyclists by 3% to 112.

Vulnerable road users (pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists) accounted for 52% of KSIs – up 1% from 2016 – while vehicle occupants accounted for 44% – down 1%.

Looking at age, there were 72 KSIs among children (under 16 years) – 26% fewer than the average for the previous three years (97).

There were also 235 KSIs among young people (aged 16-24 years) – 11% fewer than the average for the previous three years (265).

In total, there were 4,556 road accidents involving personal injury recorded by the police in 2017, a year-on-year fall of 7%.

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