Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 11th September 2018
Date published/launched: August 2018

In terms of gender, 69% of women view cycling on the road as too dangerous – compared to 56% of males.
Road safety concerns are also reported to be the most common barrier to people cycling, alongside ‘broken bike/don’t own a bike’, at 18%. ‘Easier/quicker to travel by car’ followed with 16%.
The DfT statistics also show that the number of annual trips made by bike has fallen by 8% since 2002. However, in the same period, the distance cyclists are travelling each year has increased by 54%.
In terms of walking, the figures show that an average of 255 trips were made in 2017 – higher than the number recorded in 2016 – but 3% lower than 2002 when 264 was the average. The average person walked 206 miles – the same distance as 2002.
People without car access made an average of 369 walking trips in 2017 – covering 303 miles.
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