Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 14th August 2018
Date published/launched: July 2018

Shared space schemes – where features such as kerbs, road surface markings, designated crossing places and traffic signs are removed – have been introduced in a number of town centres in recent years.
In its ‘Inclusive Transport Strategy’, the Government acknowledged that many people and organisations have significant concerns about the schemes.
The report says a pause will allow the DfT to carry out research and produce updated guidance – but gives no detail as to how long the pause will last.
The new Inclusive Transport Strategy, backed by hundreds of million pounds, is designed to improve accessibility across all types of travel for those with visible and less visible disabilities.
While it is focused on the inclusion of disabled people, many of the improvements will also benefit other travellers.
The report sets out the Government’s ambition for disabled people to have the same access to transport as everyone else, and to be able to travel confidently, easily and without extra cost.
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