Organisation: Department for Infrastructure (NI)
Date uploaded: 25th July 2018
Date published/launched: July 2018

On average, 624 car journeys were taken per person per year in 2015-2017. This equates to 70% of all journeys made, a decrease from 72% in 2012-2014.
There were 171 walking journeys per person per year in 2015-2017. This represents 19% of all journeys made, an increase from 17% in 2012-2014.
In 2015-2017, the most commonly used main method of travel to or from school for the 4-11 age group was car, van or taxi (56%), followed by walking or cycling (32%) and then bus (12%).
In 2015-2017, the most commonly used main methods of travel to or from school for the 12-18 age group were bus (43%) and car, van or taxi (39%), followed by walking or cycling (17%).
In 2017, just over one quarter (26%) of all journeys were taken by walking, cycling or public transport. There has been no real change comparing 2017 to the baseline year (25% in 2015).
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