Organisation: ETSC (European Transport Safety Council)
Date uploaded: 3rd July 2018
Date published/launched: June 2018

The UK’s 2017 estimate of 1,783 deaths is based on the Great Britain provisional total for the year ending September 2017, published in February, and the final 2017 data for Northern Ireland.
The 2017 estimate represents a year-on-year reduction of 4.1%, but is only 6.4% fewer than the 2010 figure of 1,905.
The UK’s 6.4% reduction since 2010 is far below the EU average of 20.1% – and ranks the UK fourth bottom, ahead of Sweden, the Netherlands and Malta.
Despite this, the UK remained the EU’s third safest country in 2017 – behind Norway and Sweden – with 27 deaths per million inhabitants.
On the whole, the report shows that progress has ‘stagnated’ across the EU over the last four years – with the number of road deaths falling by just 3% since 2013.
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