Organisation: University of Westminster (Transport Studies Group)
Date uploaded: 7th June 2018
Date published/launched: April 2018

The study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), used National Travel Survey (NTS) data. NTS is a large and nationally representative sample survey (147,185 adults participating between 2007-15) which includes asking questions about any ‘road accidents’ people experienced in the past three years. This is the first analysis to use NTS ‘road accident’ data. It does not rely on police or hospitals recording injuries, but on what people say they have experienced.
The study found that the NTS records five times more injuries experienced than are recorded by the police. Most injuries are minor but can still be frightening and off-putting, especially for more vulnerable people. Comparing road user groups, the highest under-reporting was for cyclists with seven times more injuries per mile than are recorded by police.
The study also found that:
• Pedestrians reported three times more injuries per mile than are recorded by police.
• More than half of pedestrian injuries involved a motor vehicle while most of the rest were falls injuries. Very few only involved other pedestrians or cyclists.
• There were big differences in both motor vehicle and falls injuries by demographic group. For instance, non-disabled pedestrians reported 4.8 motor vehicle injuries per million miles walked, but disabled people reported 22: nearly five times more.
• People living in the poorest households (earning under £25,000) reported 12.2 motor vehicle injuries per million miles walked, compared to only 4.1 for people living in households earning over £50,000 (three times more).
• For falls, women and older people were at higher risk than men or younger people.
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