Organisation: London Assembly Transport Committee
Date uploaded: 17th April 2018
Date published/launched: March 2018

The report acknowledges that good quality infrastructure makes cycling safer and encourages more people to cycle. It also says getting more people cycling is good for public health and makes more efficient use of London’s congested road network.
However, the report concludes that while journey volumes have increased on the QW1 route since it opened, at this stage there is insufficient data to judge the overall success of the Quietways programme.
The use of the name ‘Cycle Superhighways’ is also criticised, with the suggestion that it implies cycling long distances at high speed – which may not attract inexperienced cyclists.
Describing the delivery of cycling improvements across London’s boroughs as ‘patchy’, the report says more cycling infrastructure needs to be built in outer London – where there is the greatest potential for cycling growth.
The report labels cycle parking as ‘inadequate’ and says this needs to be addressed alongside the installation of new routes. It cites cycle parking at railway stations as particularly important.
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