Organisation: Safer Essex Roads Partnership
Date uploaded: 21st February 2018
Date published/launched: December 2017
The Extra Eyes webpage provides a simple method for cyclists, motorcyclists and drivers to upload footage showing dangerous or illegal behaviour.
The footage is then reviewed by a roads policing investigator from Essex Police’s Casualty Reduction Section.
Having reviewed the footage, where appropriate Essex Police will contact the person caught on camera and explain the potential consequences of their actions.
Alternatively, the offender may be offered a driver retraining course, or in serious cases face prosecution, with the footage used as evidence.
In the first full month of the campaign (January 2018), Essex Police received more than 100 videos and took action in response to 49 of the clips.
The Extra Eyes publicity materials were developed following focus groups and an insight report produced on behalf of SERP by Dr Fiona Fylan from Brainbox Research.
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