Creating better streets: Inclusive and accessible places

Organisation: CIHT
Date uploaded: 23rd January 2018
Date published/launched: January 2018

This report concludes that ‘shared space’ is an unhelpful phrase that should no longer be used to describe a form of street design.The report reviews how shared space schemes are being designed, implemented and installed across England, and recommends that three more specific terms: ‘pedestrian prioritised streets’, ‘informal streets’ and ‘enhanced streets’ should be used when developing future schemes.

‘Pedestrian prioritised streets’ are where those on foot ‘feel that they can move freely anywhere, and where drivers should feel they are a guest’

‘Informal streets’ are where formal traffic controls such as signs, markings and signals are either absent or reduced. There is a footway and carriageway, ‘but the differentiation between them is typically less than in a conventional street’

‘Enhanced streets’ are where the public realm has improved and where restrictions on pedestrian movement – such as guardrail – have been removed, but where conventional traffic controls largely remain.

The CIHT review also calls on the Government to introduce legislation to allow local authorities to give pedestrians priority on certain streets and review guidance for appropriate kerb heights and tactile paving for the benefit of visually impaired people.

The document makes 15 recommendations, including: improve awareness of the need to create streets that are inclusive and accessible for all; create a framework of outcomes for the basis of street designs and conduct more detailed research into the needs of all users in such spaces.

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