Organisation: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Date uploaded: 9th September 2010
Date published/launched: October 2009
The second edition of the ‘Handbook of Road Safety Measures’ gives state-of-the-art summaries of current knowledge regarding the effects of 128 road safety measures.

It covers all areas of road safety including: traffic control; vehicle inspection; driver training; publicity campaigns; police enforcement; and general policy instruments.
With many original chapters revised and several new ones added, extra topics covered in this edition include: post-accident care; DUI legislation and enforcement; environmental zones; and speed cameras.
Book details for The Handbook of Road Safety Measures:
Edition: 2nd Revised edition
Editor(s): Rune Elvik, Truls Vaa, Alena Hoye, Alena Erke, Michael Sorensen,
Format: Hardback, 240 x 165 x 65mm , 1140 pp, Illustrations
Imprint: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
ISBN: 9781848552500
Price: £115.00
For more information contact:
Rune Elvik
T: 48 94 33 53