Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Date uploaded: 11th January 2011
Date published/launched: August 2010
An analysis of motorcycle collisions in Sheffield

A number of significant findings were made, including:
•Despite motorcycles accounting for just 0.4% of all trips made in Sheffield they were involved in 18% of all KSI collisions.
•93% of the riders involved in collisions were male.
•Trends over the last 10 years and last three years indicate that the greatest number of collisions occur in October, and the least number in February.
•The majority of collisions which occur in the rush hour period involve a P2W 500cc+.
•There is a significant rise in the number of KSI collisions on a Friday.
•Nationally, 16-24 year olds account for 14% of motorcycle riders. However, in Sheffield they account for 41% of riders involved in collisions.
•41% of fatal collisions were caused due to another vehicle turning across the path of a P2W. However, in two thirds of these collisions the rider was also partly to blame due to speeding. All but one of these collisions took place on an urban road.
For more information contact:
Claire Molyneux
T: 0114 273 4785