Organisation: Global Network for Road Safety Legislators
Date uploaded: 23rd May 2017
Date published/launched: May 2017

#4RoadSafety sets out 10 key recommendations to encourage parliamentarians from around the globe to support the current United Nation’s Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020).
The manifesto also endorses a new ‘save lives’ package of road injury prevention measures issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The package urges all UN Member States to adopt laws to tackle speeding, drink driving, non-use of motorcycle helmets, seat belts and child restraints, and the application of acceptable vehicle and road safety construction standards.
#4RoadSafety also includes recommendations covering speed management and the ‘Safe System’ approach, occupational road safety, good governance and funding for road injury prevention. It also proposes a new UN target for road safety in 2030.
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