Organisation: Institute of Highway Engineers
Date uploaded: 6th September 2010
Date published/launched: Pre 2009
A guide produced by the UK Roads Board

It provides local authorities with guidance on highways management in an ever changing environment, creating a strong foundation for a positive and lasting maintenance policy. Adoption of the recommendations in this code will help the delivery of Best Value services.
The Code was drafted by a team from Atkins on behalf of the UK Roads Board. It is one of a suite of Codes commissioned by the UK Roads Liaison Group.
The Code is available FOC as an Adobe Acrobat file by clicking on the link below. Print copies (ISBN 0 11 552643 0) are published by The Stationery Office (TSO), price £18, and can be ordered from the TSO link below or by calling 0870 600 5522.
For more information contact:
J M Walker
T: 020 74367487