Well Maintained Highways

Organisation: Institute of Highway Engineers
Date uploaded: 6th September 2010
Date published/launched: Pre 2009

A guide produced by the UK Roads Board

Well-Maintained Highways, the code of practice for highway maintenance management, was first published in July 2005.

It provides local authorities with guidance on highways management in an ever changing environment, creating a strong foundation for a positive and lasting maintenance policy. Adoption of the recommendations in this code will help the delivery of Best Value services.

The Code was drafted by a team from Atkins on behalf of the UK Roads Board. It is one of a suite of Codes commissioned by the UK Roads Liaison Group.

The Code is available FOC as an Adobe Acrobat file by clicking on the link below. Print copies (ISBN 0 11 552643 0) are published by The Stationery Office (TSO), price £18, and can be ordered from the TSO link below or by calling 0870 600 5522.

For more information contact:
J M Walker
T: 020 74367487

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