Organisation: The Stationery Office (TSO)
Date uploaded: 27th August 2010
Date published/launched: July 2010
New editions of the official Driving Standards Agency (DSA) best-selling titles for car drivers have been published, to offer the most comprehensive preparation for learners.

Containing every theory test question learners could be asked until 2011, plus the official DSA explanation of each answer, the latest editions also include practice for case studies for each of the 14 topics covered. However, perhaps the most significant development is the inclusion of references from every question to the source material (The Official Highway Code, The Official DSA Guide to Driving – the essential skill and Know Your Traffic Signs). DSA strongly recommends that all drivers study these source books, not only to prepare themselves fully for their theory and practical driving tests, but also to become a safe driver for life. The new references will enable learners to relate theory test questions to the background information, aiding their knowledge and understanding of driving theory.
Available in a variety of formats and value packs, to suit every style of learning.
Key titles include:
The Official DSA Theory Test for Car Drivers and The Official Highway Code
Book £12.99 (9780115531262)
CD-ROM £12.99 (9780115531286)
The Official DSA Complete Theory Test Kit £19.99 (9780115531309)
The Official DSA Complete Learner Driver Pack £29.99 (9780115531323)
For more information contact:
Emma Franklin
T: 01603 694497