Motoring Research Portal

Organisation: Rica (Research Institute for Consumer Affairs)
Date uploaded: 17th November 2016
Date published/launched: October 2016

The newly-launched Motoring Research Portal includes more than 80 items of research from industry, academia and third sector organisations relating to older and disabled consumers.

The portal covers topics including technical research, for example on secondary vehicle technology (which covers everything from the ignition, lights and indicators to heating, air conditioning and in-car entertainment) and the role of autonomous cars.

The new portal also covers older drivers and behaviour change, accessibility and usability of cars and other transport and vehicles (including wheelchair accessible vehicles) and adaptations for older and disabled motorists.

Rica is a UK consumer research charity, specialising in research with older and disabled consumers. Rica also provides advice on issues such as mobility and using public transport.

Rica is encouraging road safety officers to input any useful online resources to the portal. Rica will check the resource and then publish if deemed suitable for inclusion.

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