Organisation: The Stationery Office (TSO)
Date uploaded: 31st August 2010
Date published/launched: May 2010
'In The Driving Seat' is an award winning comprehensive Key Stage 4 Personal Social Health & Economic education (PSHE)/Citizenship teaching resource which has been developed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA).

The teachers’ pack includes a DVD which is divided into four episodes plus extensive resources to help teachers deliver the programme; including a structured lesson plan for each module.
PSHE/Citizenship curriculum aims covered:
• Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
• Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
• Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
Published by TSO (The Stationery Office), DSA’s official publishing partner.
For more information contact:
Emma Franklin
T: 01603 694497