Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 19th October 2016
Date published/launched: September 2016

Launched on 26 September, the campaign is designed to raise awareness of safety issues among urban cyclists and help make the roads safer for those on two wheels.
The campaign has been developed on the back of statistics which show that during 2015, a fifth of crashes where cyclists were killed involved HGVs.
The campaign includes a film entitled ‘Things you shouldn’t get caught between’, and posters carrying the message: ‘Don’t get caught between a lorry and a left turn. Hang back’.
The DfT says a large proportion of deaths happen when a cyclist is at the front left of the truck, and almost a third of all crashes between cyclists and HGVs happen when the lorry is turning left.
The campaign proved controversial and was heavily criticised by pro-cycling lobby groups who accused it of ‘victim-blaming’. There were calls from these groups for the campaign to be withdrawn.
The DfT published a comprehensive response to the controversy, which can be viewed on one of the links below.
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