Project EDWARD

Organisation: TISPOL (European Traffic Police Network)
Date uploaded: 12th October 2016
Date published/launched: September 2016

‘Project EDWARD’ the inaugural ‘European Day Without A Road Death’ took place on 21 September 2016.

Designed to draw attention to the 70 deaths that occur each day on the roads of Europe – and to encourage drivers, riders and pedestrians to spare an extra thought for their safety – PROJECT EDWARD was supported in the UK by Road Safety GB, RoSPA and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).

The event was also supported by local authorities across the country, with many organising events and taking to social media to show their support via the hashtag: #ProjectEDWARD.

In terms of raising awareness of road safety, the day was a success with the hashtag trending on Twitter – making Project EDWARD one of the most talked about topics in the UK. It peaked at number six.

Tweets using the hashtag reached more than 11m people throughout the course of the day.

Project EDWARD also featured a road safety pledge asking road users to promise to: drive at speeds that are both legal and safe, pay particular attention when driving near schools, never drive after drinking alcohol or taking drugs/medicines, always wear my seat belt and not use my mobile phone while driving.

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