Organisation: Transport Scotland
Date uploaded: 26th July 2016
Date published/launched: June 2016
It focusses around a series of six books targeting three key age groups: 0-3, pre-school and the transition into Primary 1 – in line with the Scottish Government’s policy on early intervention and Curriculum for Excellence (CfE).
The evaluation report says the length and sophistication of some of the stories are too great for ante-pre-school children. It adds that parental understanding of the purpose and rationale for the books could be improved, as well as awareness of the full range of resources available.
It also suggests that some minor adjustments to the ordering and distribution process, including a possible shift to electronic mechanisms, may maximise uptake and reach.
In conclusion, the evaluation report says the resource is fit-for-purpose as an early years road safety education tool.
It says there is a strong brand and a recognisable character that children, educators and parents seem to engage with.
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