Efficient Driving: A Rapid Evidence Assessment for the Department for Transport

Organisation: Brook Lyndhurst for the DfT
Date uploaded: 4th May 2016
Date published/launched: January 2016

This report presents the findings from a rapid evidence assessment undertaken to review recent research on efficient driving.

Efficient driving is based on a series of techniques (including minimising engine idling, maintaining a steady speed, and avoiding sharp acceleration and braking) that drivers can adopt to reduce their fuel consumption and reduce CO2 emissions.

The objectives of the rapid evidence assessment were to review recent UK and international evidence on current levels of efficient driving; motivations and barriers; measures to increase efficient driving; and synergies between efficient driving and other policy areas.

The report found that overall, the current evidence-base on efficient driving is patchy, of variable quality and occasionally ambiguous.

Key gaps in the evidence identified by this review include:

• The prevalence of different types of efficient driving
• Definitive potential CO2 and £ savings from efficient driving
• How motivations and barriers compare between different types of driver
• The comparative effectiveness of different measures to increase efficient driving, and the added value of combining two or more measures

Potential areas for future consideration by policy-makers and researchers include:
• Enabling all drivers easy access to technologies promoting efficient driving
• Testing and further exploring the linkages between efficient driving, safety and insurance
• Segmenting and targeting of future measures at key types of driver and organisation

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