Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 9th March 2016
Date published/launched: February 2016
Using headlines including ‘It’s like a breathalyser for drugs’, the new campaign is designed to make it clear that drug drivers are more likely to be caught and convicted as a result of the roadside swab.
The campaign will run in cinema, on radio, and online from 2 March 2016. This will be complemented by digital displays, social media and displays in pub and club washrooms to reach young men when they are planning, or are on, a night out.
Campaign resources for road safety professionals include an updated version of the ‘Paranoia’ film used in the 2015 drug drive campaign (English and Welsh versions), a set of posters and a postcard, digital and social media assets, and a radio ad.
The drug drive law changes in England and Wales have made it illegal to drive with 17 controlled drugs above a specified limit in the blood. Drugs that can be tested for at the roadside are cannabis and cocaine, while the evidential laboratory test can identify all the drugs covered by the law including ecstasy, LSD, ketamine and heroin.
Figures from Cheshire Police show officers have arrested eight times as many suspected drug drivers since the introduction of the new legislation – 530 in the period March 2015 to January 2016, compared with just 70 in the whole of 2014.
Under the new drug-driving laws once suspects are charged, 98% have been convicted – compared to 80% previously.
During the Christmas 2015 drink and drug drive campaign, 1,888 drug screening tests were carried out in just one month across England and Wales, and nearly 50% were positive showing how well the police have been in targeting suspected offenders.
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