Organisation: Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)
Date uploaded: 1st March 2016
Date published/launched: February 2016 has been set up by the safety charity, with funding from the DfT, with the intention of helping older drivers to drive safely for longer.
The website gives tips on how people can update their driving skills and knowledge to maintain their freedom and independence on the road, as well as advice for families or friends who are concerned about a loved one’s driving.
It is intended to help drivers recognise whether and how their driving is changing, and find out what they can do to cope with these changes – including reviewing when and where they drive, adapting their car or taking driver assessment or training.
The site will also help older drivers find driving assessment programmes or refresher training in their local area, understand the law about health conditions and driving, and explains how to renew their driving licence. It also gives advice on the difficult topic of retiring from driving.
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