Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 5th January 2016
Date published/launched: December 2015

‘Setting the first cycling and walking investment strategy’ outlines the government’s timetable and approach to developing the various elements required to deliver the first Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS).
The CWIS outlines the government’s desire to create an environment which encourages walking and cycling, and where “stepping out of the car is the norm for short journeys or as part of a longer journey”.
The document says the government’s ambition is for streets and public places which support walking and cycling and a road network where consideration will always be given to improving infrastructure for active travel.
It promises to continue to support the eight cities in receipt of Cycle City Ambition Extension Grants from 2015/16 to 2017/18 while also continuing to support a range of sustainable transport revenue projects which support cycling and walking.
It adds that through the first Road Investment Strategy, £100m has been made available between 2015 and 2021 to improve the conditions for cycling alongside and while crossing the Strategic Road Network.
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