THINK! 2015 Christmas Drink Drive Campaign

Organisation: THINK!
Date uploaded: 15th December 2015
Date published/launched: December 2015

The 2015 THINK! Christmas Drink Drive Campaign targets drivers who think it’s OK to have a couple of drinks before they get behind the wheel.

The campaign was launched on the back of new research which shows that while half the population (51%) would not consider consuming any alcoholic drinks before driving, a ‘shocking’ one in 10 would consider having two or more drinks before they get behind the wheel. This increases to one in five (19%) among men aged 18-34 years.

The research shows that the majority of drivers in England and Wales are aware of the need to avoid drinking before driving, with 60% of those surveyed saying it is not okay to drink at all before driving. However, even though 93% of people don’t think it is right to drive after more than one drink, almost a fifth (18%) admit to having done so.

The campaign targets those who do not recognise that even a small number of drinks before driving can be deadly. The pair of adverts reflect common scenarios where the target audience (young men) might be tempted to have a couple of drinks before driving, or choose to drive after drinking. The ads show the devastating consequences of drink driving and compares this with the positive result of saying ‘no’ – staying alive.

The campaign launched on 1 December and features TV, online video and radio advertising. This will be complemented with ‘out of home’ adverts in pub washrooms and social media to reach the target audience when they are planning, or are on, a night out.

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