Organisation: National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC)
Date uploaded: 12th August 2015
Date published/launched: July 2015

The NPCC says this a result of its ‘intelligence-led approach to tackling drink and drug driving’.
During June 2015, 60,096 breath tests were administered, 8.46% (5,085) of which proved positive. The comparable figures for June 2014 were 63,688 breath tests and 4,108 positive tests (6.45%).
Among younger drivers (under 25yrs) the percentage testing positive fell from 7.5% (962) in 2014 to 5.97% (682) this year.
For those aged 25yrs and over, the percentage of positive tests increased from 5.57% in 2014 to 6.57% in 2015.
The NPCC says it is waiting for feedback from police forces on how they are progressing with new roadside drug-testing equipment before it can publish more detailed results on drug driving.
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