Organisation: University of Leeds
Date uploaded: 6th May 2015
Date published/launched: March 2015

In the least contentious scenario, 94% of clinicians would allow driving; in the most contentious a patient had a 50% chance of being allowed to drive. Following treatment with CPAP, clinicians’ interpretation of what constituted residual drowsiness was inconsistent. In each vignette the same clinician was more likely to say ‘yes’ to ‘excessive’ than to ‘irresistible’ (71%±12% vs 42%±10%, p=0.0045). There was also a lack of consensus regarding ‘adequate CPAP compliance’; ‘yes’ responses ranged from 13% to 64%.
There is a need for clearer guidance; a recent update to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency guidance, and a statement from the British Thoracic Society, making it clear that sleepiness while driving is the key issue, may help.
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