Organisation: CIHT
Date uploaded: 20th August 2010
Date published/launched: Pre 2009
The document provides comprehensive and practical guidelines for policy-makers and practitioners in the field of CPR on our roads.

There have been radical changes in the nature of local government and its delivery of road safety engineering – including the increased use of externalised bodies and changes in the funding available for road safety projects. The document has been designed for use by local authorities (at all tiers), consultants and road safety auditors.
The purpose behind the original edition of this document was to help embed collision prevention and reduction in a public service setting. For some local authorities that meant making special resources and funding available for the first time; for others it meant adjusting the way they already attempted to stem the tide of human injury on their roads. For everyone it meant looking to the guidelines to see how to deliver this life-saving public service. Those guidelines set the agenda for collision reduction for the ensuing decade and beyond. They were not simply about reporting existing practice.
The new guidelines have been built around a framework of five elements: data, structure, systems, finance and monitoring. The five elements are shown enveloped within a policy sphere; not another element, but a cultural atmosphere, a set of environmental parameters, without which none of the five elements would be able to function properly, and without which they would not be useful as a framework to bring about improved road safety for our communities.
Winner of the 2008 Prince Michael International Road Safety Award.
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Publications @ CIHT
T: +44 (0)20 7336 1555