Organisation: University of Leeds (Institute for Transport Studies)
Date uploaded: 31st March 2015
Date published/launched: March 2015

at the local level. This paper addresses this research gap by analysing a geo-referenced dataset of road traffic incidents, taken from the UK’s STATS19 dataset (2005-2012).
The paper investigates incidents involving cyclists within West Yorkshire, which has an historically low cycling rate but very ambitions cycling plans following investment from the Department of Transport.
The study found that West Yorkshire is an unusually risky area for cyclists, with an estimated 53 deaths and 1,372 serious injuries per billion kilometres cycled, based on census commuting statistics. This is roughly double the national average.
While this riskiness varies spatially and temporally, broadly in line with expectations from previous literature, an unexpected finding was that cycling seems to be disproportionately risky for young people in West Yorkshire compared with young people nationally.
The study raises the issue of potential negative health impacts of promoting cycling amongst vulnerable groups in dangerous areas, and concludes by highlighting opportunities
for increasing cycling uptake via measures designed primarily to improve safety.
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