Organisation: CIHT
Date uploaded: 19th August 2010
Date published/launched: Pre 2009
These guidelines provide a comprehensive review of road safety audit.

The revised UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Road Safety Audit Standard HD 19/03 was produced in 2003, and the Manual for Streets (MfS) was produced in 2007. Both documents have significant consequences for road safety audit.
The purpose of these guidelines is to update previous CIHT road safety audit guidelines with advice, for example, on qualifications for road safety auditors and on legal issues within road safety audit.
In addition, these guidelines seek to advise local highway authorities of ways in which they can appropriately resource a road safety audit process relative to their own needs.
It advises of areas in which they may consider carrying out a road safety audit in a different way to that set out in HD19/03.
It also gives advice on how to respond to issues in the Manual for Streets, including how to work within a ‘quality audit’ process for certain types of schemes covered by MfS.
For more information contact:
Publications @ CIHT
T: +44 (0)20 7336 1555