THINK! Drink Drive (Personal Consequences) Evaluation

Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 10th February 2015
Date published/launched: June 2014

The ‘Personal Consequences’ drink drive campaign launched in July 2007, using a variety
of communication activities to try to persuade drivers to avoid drinking and driving.Young male drivers aged 17 to 29 are the core target group for the campaign, the key aims of which are:
• To increase awareness of the personal consequences of a drink driving conviction
• To encourage the belief that one to two drinks are too many before driving
• To reinforce and build the social stigma around drink driving

The latest burst of activity took place in spring 2014, featuring three radio ads used in 2013.

The evaluation took place 30th April – 20th May 2014 among young male drivers.

The key findings are:
• The campaign has performed well overall given lower spend – little evidence of
negative effect on attitudes or behaviours.
• Ad recognition compares well to previous campaign bursts and TNS norms.
• There was some evidence that the more personal consequences e.g. disappointing
family, lifestyle changing are starting to wane.

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