Organisation: Transport Committee
Date uploaded: 28th July 2014
Date published/launched: July 2014

The Committee says this level of investment is essential to fund long-term development of cycling infrastructure and to make roads safer for cycling.
It also calls for a cultural change across Government, so that all departments work together to fund and facilitate support for cycling.
Other recommendations in the report include:
• Safe cycling should be made an integral part of the design for all new infrastructure projects. Local authorities should be required to demonstrate that cycling was considered and incorporated into the design of new roads at the earliest stage, and that local cyclists were consulted as part of this process.
• The disproportionate number of HGVs involved in collisions with cyclists demonstrates that the industry must improve its road safety record.
• Cycle training should be available to all cyclists: children in primary and secondary school, adults seeking to gain confidence, and those looking to refresh their road skills.
• DVSA must ensure that drivers are tested — in the practical test if possible, and certainly via the theory test — on their approach to sharing the road with cyclists.
• Government should reassess its approach to road safety awareness and set out the steps it will take to ensure a clear and consistent message of mutual respect between all road users and compliance with the law by cyclists and drivers.
• Government should consider amending the Highway Code to promote cycle safety and ensure that it reflects the rights of cyclists to share the road with drivers.
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