Organisation: Road Safety Analysis & AXA
Date uploaded: 17th July 2014
Date published/launched: June 2014

MAST Online was used to analyse 1.34 million motor vehicle drivers involved in injury collisions between 2008 and 2012, with just over 65,000 crashes involving van drivers.
The report concludes that van drivers are more likely to be involved in collisions due to tiredness and tailgating rather than speeding.
It also says that collisions involving vans often follow very different patterns from other vehicle crashes. It identifies situations which are “far more dangerous in a van” including reversing, motorway driving, parking and changing lanes.
On the other hand, the report says that van drivers crash less through speed and are better at negotiating cities, roundabouts, traffic jams and built-up environments.
The report concludes that driver training is essential, as is getting better information to employers/drivers on the special dangers of these vehicles including longer stopping distances, the effects of loads on vehicle response and visibility issues.
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