Organisation: Department for Infrastructure (NI)
Date uploaded: 28th May 2014
Date published/launched: April 2014

The campaign, “Don’t Forget”, ran on TV from 18 April until mid-May and was supported by outdoor and online activity.
The campaign encourages cyclists and drivers to engage with each other emotionally and help them understand each other’s perspective, so that they respect each other’s journey.
The number of cyclists seriously injured on Northern Ireland’s road almost doubled in the period 2002-2012, while all serious road traffic casualties fell by 50% over the same period.
DOE research shows “a lack of ownership of responsibility from both cyclists and drivers, as they tend to blame each other in mutually difficult situations”.
With regard to responsibility for pedal cycle casualties, the research shows that cyclists are responsible for just over 40% of casualties, while drivers and other road users are responsible for just under 60%.
For more information contact:
T: 028 9054 0072