Organisation: Transport for London
Date uploaded: 14th April 2014
Date published/launched: April 2014
Transport for London (TfL) has published its draft Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (PSAP) which sets out a strategy for improving the safety of pedestrians in London.

TfL says it is committed to increasing the numbers of walking trips in the Capital by a million additional trips a day by 2031.
The PSAP will look to address the concerns and challenges faced by pedestrians across London, helping to turn the capitals streets into a safer, more pleasant place for all.
The draft plan outlines 30 actions to target the key factors in collisions and help further reduce pedestrian casualties across London.
The actions include: doubling the number of pedestrian crossings operating ‘pedestrian countdown’ from around 200 to more than 400 by 2016; developing a new ‘gold standard’ for all new and upgraded pedestrian crossings which will include far-sided pedestrian indicators, pedestrian countdown timers, and ensuring that crossing times take account of national safety standards and the level of pedestrian demand; and producing the first ‘London pedestrian design guidance’ to plan and design for safe and comfortable walking environments.
TfL also says it will continue to lobby the DfT for changes in legislation to provide a stronger emphasis on pedestrian priority over turning vehicles at side roads in the Highway Code.
It will also push for the creation of an up to date national digital speed limit map, building on the revised London Digital Speed map which will be released later this year, to “revolutionise speed management and information technologies”.
The draft PSAP is currently out for consultation until 9 May 2014.
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