Organisation: Department for Transport
Date uploaded: 24th March 2014
Date published/launched: January 2014
This report evaluates a THINK! campaign which was used to raise awareness of cycle safety in five cities across the UK in October/November 2013.

The four-week poster campaign targeted road users in Leeds, Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham and Cambridge. The five cities were chosen because they have the highest rates of accidents involving cyclists outside of London.
The campaign comprised a series of tips, developed to educate and remind drivers and cyclists about the correct way to drive and ride, and reduce the number of collisions on the road.
The key messages developed for the campaign were:
• Drivers, look out for cyclists when getting out
• Cyclists, ride a door’s width from parked cars
• Cyclists, ride central on narrow roads
• Drivers, look out for cyclists at junctions
Key findings
• Recognition of the campaign was good relative to spend and TNS norms
• The campaign works well amongst cyclists, less so amongst drivers
• The posters with specific tips work better than those with broader
• Following the campaign there was increased reflection of behaviours
• There was a lot of media coverage around cyclist deaths at the post stage
but this appeared to help amplify the THINK! campaign rather than dilute it
• The creative idea behind the ads should be continued with
• Think about different messaging for drivers – use of more specific tips
• Focus on promoting tips rather than broader messages
• Continue with activity around the subject
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