The Standard for construction logistics: Managing work related road risk (WRRR)

Organisation: Transport for London
Date uploaded: 13th February 2014
Date published/launched: December 2013

This document draws together emerging practice from a number of individual standards, policies and codes of practice into one WRRR standard that can be implemented by developers and adhered to in a consistent way by fleet operators.

The Standard for construction logistics: Managing work related road risk (WRRR) is the direct result of collaboration between developers, construction logistic operators and industry associations.

This document draws together emerging practice from a number of individual standards, policies and codes of practice into one WRRR standard that can be implemented by developers and adhered to in a consistent way by fleet operators.

Each requirement has been developed with the aim of reducing the risk of a collision between large goods vehicles in the construction sector and vulnerable road users such as
cyclists and pedestrians.

The standard and requirements have been developed by the construction industry for use in the construction industry and may not be appropriate for other sectors within the
logistics industry. Other logistics sectors are encouraged to consider this approach and to define a standard appropriate to their sector where needed.

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