Organisation: Road Safety GB – North East
Date uploaded: 10th February 2014
Date published/launched: January 2014
The campaign highlights that between 2008 and 2012, 7,778 people were involved in collisions in the northeast while on a journey for work, which equates to one in five road collisions. During this period, collisions involving business travel resulted in the deaths of 74 drivers and riders, 748 serious injuries and 8,262 slight injuries.
Casualties are highest during autumn and winter, with the majority happening Monday to Friday and peaking after 8am.
Men account for 78% of casualties, while those aged between 35 and 44 years are the highest risk group, accounting for 26%.
Cars make up 58% of the vehicles involved in work-related collisions, followed by small goods vehicles at 21% and heavy goods vehicles at 9%. The remainder is made up of pedal cycles, medium-sized goods vehicles, motorcycles and farm vehicles.
The campaign encourages employers to open up dialogue with their employees about issues around driving for work, so that risks can be reduced, with particular attention given to realistic appointment times, speed and the maintenance of vehicles.
It also encourages businesses take advantage of a free driving course for all employees, Safety and Fuel Efficient Driving (SAFED), which is funded by the Local Sustainable Transport Fund and may be obtained through local authorities.
For more information contact:
Alan Kennedy, Durham CC
T: 03000 268166