Organisation: Road Safety Wales
Date uploaded: 5th February 2014
Date published/launched: January 2014
The percentage of drivers who failed a breath test in the 2013 All Wales Christmas anti drink and drug driving campaign was almost identical to the previous year.

During the month-long 2013 campaign 35,255 drivers throughout Wales were breath tested, 465 (1.3%) of whom were found to be over the drink drive limit.
The comparable figures in 2012 were 35,493 drivers tested, with 502 (1.4%) over the limit.
The 2012 and 2013 figures are an improvement on 2011 when almost 2% of those tested were over the limit.
In the 2013 campaign, North Wales Police carried out 18,159 breath tests with 107 being positive. In Dyfed Powys, 11,281 breath tests were carried out with 161 being positive. In Gwent officers tested 2,470 drivers with 39 being positive; and South Wales Police administered 3,345 tests with 158 positive results.
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