How to implement a behaviour-based driver training programme

Organisation: Cranfield University (Drivermetrics)
Date uploaded: 21st January 2014
Date published/launched: January 2014

DriverMetrics® has published a free e-book to help businesses to implement behavior based driver training.

Authored by driver behaviour expert, Dr Lisa Dorn, the free e-book ‘How to Implement a Behaviour Based Driver Safety Programme’ provides fleet managers, health and safety executives and others interested in improving occupational road safety, with a step by step plan to aid the implementation of a driver safety programme that focuses the on the key contributing factor in over 90% of crashes – the driver.

Topics covered in the book include: safety goals and leadership; reviewing driver safety systems and policies; behaviour based driver risk assessment; implementing a behaviour change programme; and fleet safety performance and evaluation.

For more information contact:
Neil Godfrey
<: 07824 165803

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