Organisation: Interactive Driving Systems
Date uploaded: 19th December 2013
Date published/launched: March 2012

Huddersfield suggests that between a quarter to a third of all reported freight transport
collisions arise from vehicles reversing/backing, in some cases many more. Despite this,
the vast majority of such collisions go unnoticed at the government and company levels.
As a result there is only limited comparative data and, until recently, very few specific
reversing-based reduction interventions such as vehicle-mounted safety cameras have been
implemented by vehicle operators, driver trainers or policy makers.
This report comprises a ‘where are we now gap analysis’ or audit, as a starting point to address the reversing safety issue. This provides a thorough understanding of the problem and allows decisions to be made on the most appropriate actions to take.
For more information contact:
Dr Will Murray
T: 01484 551 060