Organisation: BT, Interactive Driving Systems & Loughborough University
Date uploaded: 17th December 2013
Date published/launched: August 2012
This paper reviews and evaluates a risk led approach to occupational driver management, risk assessment, monitoring and improvement undertaken by BT throughout its UK, and increasingly global, supply chain.

The aim of this paper is to directly address this gap, by reviewing and evaluating a risk led approach to occupational driver management, risk assessment, monitoring and improvement undertaken by BT throughout its UK, and increasingly global, supply chain.
The paper is based on a detailed chronological case study of the policies, processes and procedures implemented to manage the road safety risks of 100,000 BT workers over an 8 year period. From a review of processes and outcomes data available, a good practice model and lessons for occupational road safety researchers, policy makers and practitioners are identified – including a halving of the collision rate and costs, and significant environmental improvements thorough improved business practices, more sustainable ways of working and changing manager and driver behaviours.
For more information contact:
Dr Will Murray
T: 01484 551 060