Organisation: THINK! Norfolk Partnership
Date uploaded: 19th November 2013
Date published/launched: October 2013
This new campaign (Oct 2013) by the Think! Norfolk Partnership asks motorists to pause for thought, think about their driving habits and make changes to save their lives and the lives of others.
At the launch, people were invited to walk inside a giant cube which invited them to identify the solution to making Norfolk’s roads safer.
Drinking and driving, not wearing a seat belt, using a mobile phone and speeding have been identified as the four key behaviours that frequently cause casualties on Norfolk’s roads, and these are the focus of this campaign.
As well as the cube, the campaign features advertisements on buses, in the local media and shopping centres.
The main aims of the campaign are to: increase public awareness of the key behaviours that can lead to collisions on Norfolk’s roads; encourage people to take personal responsibility for their driving behaviour; and reduce the number of casualties on the county’s roads.
“Why Wouldn’t You?” is the latest campaign to be launched by The THINK! Norfolk Partnership which comprises Norfolk County Council, Norfolk Fire & Rescue, Norfolk Constabulary, Norfolk Safety Camera Partnership, East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust and the Highways Agency.
The campaign will be evaluated during 2014 and a copy of the evaluation will be attached to this entry.
For more information contact:
Iain Temperton, Norfolk CC
T: 07748 933955