Analysis of Adult Pedestrian Casualties in the North East of England, 2008 – 2012

Organisation: North East Regional Road Safety Resource
Date uploaded: 21st October 2013
Date published/launched: September 2013

This report has been produced by the North East Regional Road Safety Resource as a detailed investigation into adult pedestrian casualties in the North East of England between the years 2008 and 2012.

On 1 October 2013, the North East region of Road Safety GB launched a new campaign targeting adult pedestrians. This campaign topic was chosen following analysis by the North East Regional Road Safety Resource, which showed that adult pedestrian casualties were becoming more of an issue in the region following a 12% increase in injuries from 2011 to 2012.

To support the development of this campaign, the Resource produced a report for RSGB-NE analysing the different aspects of adult pedestrian casualties in the North East between 2008 and 2012, and has now published this report for general use.

The main results from the report show that between 2008 and 2012, 8% of total casualties, 18% of serious injuries and 23% of fatalities in the North East were adult pedestrians. Adult pedestrian casualties have tended to decrease year on year, until 2012 when there was a 12% increase over 2011. These casualties reach their highest levels during the autumn and winter months, and between Thursday and Saturday (peaking on Friday). The highest numbers of casualties occur in Newcastle, and in general across the North East casualties are highest in major urban centres. Finally, almost half of all adult pedestrian casualties are (at least partly) due to the adult pedestrian failing to look properly, and 20% were as a result of the adult pedestrian being impaired by alcohol.

For more information contact:
Peter Slater
T: 01914333165

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